Sunday, June 8, 2008

Oh My!

WOW! Water is a rising! and I can't seem to swim! The Musical is a week and a half away, and I just finished my costumes. so awesome.! we are moving into the theatre tommorrow, June 9 it is so wierd thinking about how time seems to go by so fast...Today is one of those sundays in which you can tell the the Lord loves you, I hope many of you felt the same. Well let me explain my experience:

In August 2006 I Moved to Las Vegas, Nv. My old mission stomping grounds, I attend The North Star Ward it is a YSA (Young Single Adult) The Stake President, President Peter G. Shields, is fairly new to the calling of The position of president but has been in the presidency a long time, well he was called and he had a vision for a stake of 12 wards to create a Stake Center Choir. In which the ladies would wear matching Dresses and the men would have matching ties, we would sing at Stake Conference, all twleve Ward Conferences, we would host many concerts, a Spring Concert, a Fall Concert, a Christmas and Fourth of July Festival. The purpose of this choir was to bring the Spirit into these such meetings and events, Well in January of 2007 I was called to fill a spot in the bass section, this choir has about 65 voices, with a choir president, and two organist's later in 2007, President Shields announced that a Stake Center Orchestra was to be formed, They too were there to bring the Spirit and to accompany the choir in many songs, songs such as, Come Thou Fount, This is the Christ, I Believe in Christ, Redeemer Of Isreal, Sweet Hour of Prayer, And many more. As I have traveled to the different wards I been able to feel something that I longed for my whole life. When I sing such songs as Come Thou Fount, I realize that I will wander but after I have raised my Ebenezer (a stone Pillar) I know where to come back to. Well this morning was the Laurel Canyon Ward Conference, The Feelings that I experience coming out of those meeting is that I Know the Revelation is givin to a worthy individual and that is it recieved by those that are listining not to the speaker but to the message that is givin by the Spirit. During my own Sacriment Meeting today there were 2 Departing missionaries that spoke, but during the Sacriment portion of the meeting one of the brothers went to get more water trays due to the large amounts of people flowing in. The sacriment hymn had started and the brother hadn't returned so my Stake president got out of his seat and started to break the bread it was so humbling to experience that he has led me and that he stands by what he teaches, this evening we honored those High School seniors that are graduating in Semenary, the stake center choir sang there too, yea, I know a long day... but it was worth it. I really can't explain the way I am feeling but I do have a testimony of the restored gospel and how it has truly changed my life. it is due to men like Peter G. Shield, and many men that I am able to look to for council and guidence. My Bishop Jeremy H. Garner has said thing that I know the Lord has prepared to tell many of those in my ward to hear. Just a side note his wife Sarah had twins this past wendsday, June 4 Cole and Gavin are their names. I may not understand everything involving the gospel But I do understand that I have a Loving Heavenly Father that is mindful of me! he Lives and loves me. I am grateful to have the Holy Ghost and the constant companionship of him.

Just a thought I want to Thank you all for your support, I know it is weird that I just picked up and moved to Las Vegas, but it was done in the spirit of Prayer and once you ask and you get an answer you can't really ask again... Right? I am well the Lord is taking care of me and that is what counts.


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